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Your browser or browser version is not (or no longer) supported by authega. This may lead to display or functional problems. In order to continue using authega, we therefore recommend to use a current and supported browser.

For more information, please see the Help under System requirements.


Enter data

Error message

authega needs your contact data for the registration process.

  • The email address is required, among other things, for sending the activation ID and is therefore verified (you must confirm receipt of an email message). It is also required for other activities (e. g. renewal of user account, blocking of access). It is also passed on to the platform for secure communication in Bavaria. It is needed here for sending notifications.
  • In order to verify your address details, a letter containing your activation code will be sent to the specified address. After receiving the letter, you can use it to complete your registration. Your address will also be forwarded to the platform for secure communication in Bavaria.
The registration is based exclusively on your entries. Before sending your data to the platform for secure communication in Bavaria, please check that it is complete and free of errors.
Notification message

Your contact details

mandatory field
Fields or form sections with this symbol must be completed
mandatory field
Email: The email must not be empty.
Email: The email is in an invalid format.
Email: The email must have between 6 and 255 characters.
mandatory field
Salutation: The salutation cannot be empty.
Title: The title can have a maximum of 50 characters.
mandatory field
First name(s): First name(s) cannot be empty.
First name(s): First name(s) can have a maximum of 70 characters.
mandatory field
Last name: The last name must not be empty.
Last name: The last name can have a maximum of 70 characters.
Company: The company can have a maximum of 100 characters.
Address addition 1: The address addition 1 can have a maximum of 100 characters.
Address addition 2: The address addition 2 can have a maximum of 100 characters.
mandatory field
Street: The street cannot be empty.
Street: The street can have a maximum of 100 characters.
mandatory field
Postcode: The postcode cannot be empty.
Postcode: The postcode can have a maximum of 30 characters.
mandatory field
City: The city cannot be empty.
City: The city can have a maximum of 30 characters.
mandatory field
Country: The country cannot be empty.

Privacy and terms of use

authegas data protection declaration must be approved.


The captcha on this page ensures that you are a person. This prevents the misuse of authega by automatic programs.

The captcha is available as an image and audio version.

Please enter the letters or numbers from the picture or the audio clip in the correct order. If you cannot decipher or understand characters, click "New Captcha". You can repeat the test as often as you like.

mandatory field
mandatory field